What should naughty sexy chicks do when they got assets like a tight ass, nice big pair of breasts, and warm juicy twat? Expose themselves through ObsessedwithMyself.com of course. I don’t see any other way to show off and be fucking fantasized by many when all you got to do is look hot and flaunt those assets while selfshooting. One perfect example is the sultry chick in these pictures. She’s not just undeniably sexy and pretty but she knows well how to show us her goods without trying too much and still make us horny so easily. She used to live in Texas where everything seems to be upsized, including her juicy tits. I think the size of men’s cocks in this state overwhelmed her so she moved back to New York weeks ago. She started taking her private profession, camwhoring, seriously when she discovered Obsessed with Myself on the net some months back. She got excited and intimidated at the same time with the amount of hot chicks that she saw on every page. It didn’t take long for her to decide that she wanted to be in here too. She got lucky the first time she showed us her photo collection coz she instantly won all of us over when me and my crew have been having a tough time choosing between a skinny Cup D blonde and the hourglass-shaped brunette from N.J. I think we’ll be seeing a lot of her here, in the next episodes, since she enjoyed being jacked off to and she loves the fucking attention. Click here to view the whole photo set of this heavy-chested camwhoring bitch.